Tuesday, April 5, 2011

RAG Week

So the first week of March is called Ragweek in Ireland. In Galway particularly, this week is insane. It involves a lot of drinking and almost nothing else. RAG stands for raise a grand because the week is supposed to be a charity week but the students have made it into a week of partying instead. I came home on Sunday from Belfast and Derry and my friends and I decided to start RAG week off right, so we went out. We went to Skeffes so we could see what all the fuss was about and everyone was out. We did not stay out that late because we were all exhausted. My friend Krissy and I decided to wake up really early (10 a.m.) and go to Dunnes to buy some beer. I bought some Carlsberg.

Krissy and I in our apartment.

We then went upstairs to the fifth floor where we could sit outside to drink. Our other friends joined us and we spent the morning/beginning of the afternoon drinking outside with some Irish guys we met. The guys live in Niland House too and they said that RAG week is good "craic."

The BC girls outside on the 5th floor.

At about two o'clock we went to a bar on campus called Campus Bar. There were so many people there and the drinking continued. Later that day we went to The Front Door to end the first day of RAG week. We went out a couple of days throughout the week and it was so much fun.

Emmy, Krissy and I at Campus Bar with our new friend?

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